First Place - Richard Foster
Second Place - Rodrigo Guimaraes
Third Place - Stephen Foston
Fourth Place - Mauro Marenzi

Check out the rest: Thumbnails of all pictures or, alphabetical list of individuals entries

Impulse Inc. is pleased to announce the creation of the Digital Arts Festival. Each month, registered users of Imagine will have the opportunity to submit their Digital Artwork to the Impulse Web site at The Art work must have originated in Imagine, and it must be rendered with Imagine, however, users may augment the images they create with other paint programs. Entrants can submit as many images as they would like. The winners of that months contest will be awarded one of four prizes. The Grand Champion winner, for each month, will receive the Non-Linear Digital Editing System known as the Edimator Pro. The other three places will win one of a host of various prizes, like, T-shirts, Coffee Mugs, Sweatshirts. The prizes will be announced at the time of the award presentation. Awards will be posted on the 5th day of each month following the contest month. For example, in the month of September entrants will submit their artwork for review, on the fifth of October the winners will be announced via our web site at The Impulse Digital Arts Festival will run from September 1996 until December 1996. Each month is a new contest. This means that over the period of the next four months, September, October, November and December, there will be four (4) Grand Prize winners of an Edimator Pro, the Digital Non-Linear Editing system, there will also be a total of 12 other winners. Remember, you are not limited the amount of entries that you submit per month, however, you can not submit the same art work from month to month.

The artwork that you submit will be used by Impulse in the following manner:

1. It will be displayed with your name and Email Address on our web site at in the Digital Arts Gallery.

2. It may be used in our advertising, the artists name will appear on the ad, however the image may not be big enough to see the name clearly, Impulse Inc. will detail the artists used in the ad at the bottom of the advertisement.

3. It may be used on any Retail Package that Impulse Inc. ships.

4. Various brochures will be created to promote Imagine, the images that you submit may be used in these brochures, your name will be shown on the image, as well, your name will be seen to appear on the ad at the appropriate place giving you proper credit for the image that you created.

5. No royalties will be paid to any artist for these images. If you enter the contest you agree to these terms and conditions.

In order to help spread the word about Imagine, Impulse will at the end of the Year 1996 create a CD-ROM that will be distributed to all magazines and various web sites, each artist that submits art to Impulse will be highlighted on the CD-ROM, with a bio and contact information. In this manner, when the press views the images and decides that they would like to use any of these images they can contact you directly for approval.

Every entrant will receive, FREE of charge, a CD-ROM, once it is published.

Impulse Inc. will also include the CD-ROM with versions of Imagine so that new users can view the type of work that can be done with Imagine.

Any and all images that are submitted to the Digital Arts festival will remain the property of the entrant with the exception of the uses outlined herein this document.

It is the goal of Impulse Inc. to help promote the work of our user base. The Digital Arts Festival is a positive and meaningful way of getting attention to our user base as well as a way to reward those users who spend their time to create these images.

You can begin your submissions on September 2nd. With each submission we ask that you do the following:

Use the Zip utility to reduce the file size, with the image we need the following information in a ASCII text file:

Name of Entrant, Impulse ID number (customer number) If you don't know what your number is you must contact us to find it out, any submission with out this information will not be accepted for that months contest.

Email Address.

Description of the process used to create the image.

Any personal data that you wish to include, such as times you can be contacted, anything that you want to include about yourself.

For those people that own other 3D graphic programs (i.e. 3D Studio, Lightwave, Truespace, POV and others, you may qualify for a $400.00 competitive upgrade. E-mail for more information.

Impulse Inc. is the final judge of the Arts Festival, Impulse can employ other individuals in the Digital Arts community to view these images and render an opinion regarding the content. Due to the fact that art is truly in the eyes of the beholder, Impulse will not define or attempt to define what art is, all submissions will be treated equally.

I agree to the above rules and would like to enter my submission